About Pyramid Safety


WomanPyramid Safety was born out of seasoned on the job experience. Pyramid Safety see safety as a value and not a priority – as priorities change, health & safety should never change!

Working with our clients we help them meet their health & safety obligations, protecting people and profits, to create endurance in safety performance.

Pyramid Safety believe that the key to safety is to get all stakeholders engaged from directors, managers to staff.

Companies who use Pyramid Safety services are using us as their “one stop shop” for their health & safety requirements.

Safety culture is a combination of the attitudes, values and perceptions that influence how something is actually done in the workplace – rather than how it should be done! Poor safety culture can contribute to too many incidents (minor & major) and personal injuries, and can be just as influential on safety outcomes as an organisation’s safety management system itself.

At Pyramid Safety we will work with our clients to instil a safety culture that will last long after we have long gone.

“See Value in Safety